Life Happening zine


Life Happening—a concertina risograph zine exploring free will, whereby I attempt to create an illustrated mathematical expression that literally unfolds in your hands. It’s an autobiographical comic that follows a day in the life(time) of the illustrated character-version of myself.

It’s my first foray into this medium, on three levels: longer-form sequential art + risograph + concertina…and I’m so stoked with the result!


Behind the scenes:

Risograph magic at treepapercomics, run by Samuel Emery who made this concertina possible without the need for sticky tape joinery!

Risograph magic at treepapercomics, run by Samuel Emery who made this concertina possible without the need for sticky tape joinery!

Thinking on the page: organised chaos within the storyboard.

Thinking on the page: organised chaos within the storyboard.

A lot of literal sweat was involved in the making of this comic, as the majority of it was illustrated in the middle of: moving house; the hotpocolypse (heat wave); the night.

A lot of literal sweat was involved in the making of this comic, as the majority of it was illustrated in the middle of: moving house; the hotpocolypse (heat wave); the night.

Here are some select favourite panels—plucked out of context:

lifehappening p3.jpg
lifehappening p5.jpg

Endless thanks go to Leah Jing McIntosh and Rachel Ang, the talented power-curator-editors behind Comic Sans for commissioning me for Issue 2, where this comic was originally published in black and white.

There are 100 copies in total, and you can buy a physical copy of Life Happening at these places: